Verona Homes
Barangay Cambuhawe, Balamban, CebuP162k - P528k
Estimated Price as of January 2022
Project Description
About Verona Homes
True to its promise of providing property options that will cater to different markets, Verona Homes is Priland’s entry to the socialized housing category. It is a 5.2-hectare socialized housing project that offers row houses. The property is ideal for small families or newly-weds who are just starting their families. It also offers a full-size basketball court and playground for members of the community to use and enjoy.

Verona Homes
VIEW IN MAPSFacilities
Market 8 mins walk
School 5 mins walk
Highway 6 mins walk
Hospital 5 mins drive
ATM Machine 5 mins walk
Bank 8 mins walk
Mall 8 mins walk
Floor Plans
Middle Unit 32 sq. m.
Left End Unit 45.72 sq. m.
Right End Unit 45.72 sq. m.
Lot Only
Site Development Plan
Basketball Court
Parks and Playground
Gated Community
Rowhouse Perspective
Rowhouse Perspective
Virtual Tour
Construction Updates
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Priland Advantage
Where others cut corners, Priland delivers. Fixtures that support ease
of connectivity and convenience come standard in every project.
Provisions for Aircon
Provisions for Cable
Provisions for Fire Sprinklers
Provisions for Telephone
Provisions for LPG
Provisions for Smoke and
Heat Detectors
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